
Become a SkySailor

Grab a job in wind energy

Are you seeking a job in wind energy and want to help shape a sustainable and clean future? You have come to the right place!

SkySails was the first com­pany in the world to succeed in har­nes­sing the significant po­ten­tial of high-altitude winds. It all be­gan with the idea of tow­ing car­go ships with a kite. This vi­sion turned into re­ali­ty, and in 2007 SkySails success­fully de­ve­loped the tow­ing kite tech­no­lo­gy in­to an in­dus­trial appli­ca­tion. We be­cam­e a green shipping pio­neer! Up until to­day, we use large and fully au­to­ma­ted kites for eco-friendly shipping and re­new­able power ge­ne­ra­tion. We are driven by the common goal to make the world more sustain­able. Our team of cre­ative minds, inno­va­tive en­gi­neers, and passio­nate soft­ware de­ve­lo­pers play a cen­tral role in making this happen. Over the years, we have grown to over 90 people. We work in a fa­mily at­mos­phere with flat hier­ar­chies, trust, and di­rect commu­ni­ca­tion channels.

Sounds interesting? Find your wind energy job below and help shape a sustainable and clean future with us!



We are a game changer for the global energy transition


Enthusiasm for technology & sustainability
Our goal is to create a gree­ner fu­ture with in­no­va­tive tech­no­lo­gy.

Passion and independence
With our ideas and our passion, every one of us drives our joint pro­ject and assumes respon­si­bi­li­ty.

Openness and team spirit
We are con­vin­ced that the best re­sults are achieved as a team. That is why our cor­por­ate cul­ture is cha­rac­ter­ized by flat hier­ar­chies, open­ness and respect for each other.




 Do something good!

 Flexible work models

 Room for ideas

 Flat hierarchies

 Group accident insurance

 Freshly made pasta


In all phases of the se­lec­tion pro­cess, we put great im­por­tance to open­ness and fair­ness. You can en­quire about the sta­tus of your appli­ca­tion at any time.

Please note that we only accept appli­ca­tions via our career page (no e-mails, please)!


  • Your appli­ca­tion is assessed by the HR team based on the po­si­tion re­quire­ments and your sub­mitted pro­file.
  • If there is a po­ten­tial match, your appli­ca­tion is passed on to the re­le­vant de­part­ment.

First interview

  • Your first in­ter­view will be with a mem­ber the HR team and your po­ten­tial team ma­na­ger
  • At this stage, we’d like to get to know you better and give you a chance to ask us ques­tions.

Second interview

  • You will be given a 40 min work sample
  • Work samples are for per­ma­nent po­si­tions only


  • The HR team gives you a call to in­form you whether you are se­lec­ted or not