Project Development

Make your vision fly

How we Support your Wind Energy Project

As with any energy infrastructure project, Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES) require a professionally planned development process. Our team can provide wind energy project support in wind and site assessment. We also assist in permit approvals, are onsite during installation and commissioning, and help train your personnel. Most often, a thoroughly thought out project will also require the involvement of additional external experts. Where necessary, we can recommend appropriate and reliable contacts.

The following key points are crucial in the realization of any AWES project. We will require this information in our first exchange to correctly evaluate your project's feasibility and make suitable recommendations.

Is it already defined? What are the conditions and surroundings? Please note: An ideal site has a flat topography, no significant obstacles in the prevailing wind direction, and is based on agricultural or industrial land.

Wind conditions
Have you already realized a measuring campaign? What is the speed at 10 m / 200 m?

Project size
What is the required amount of electricity in kWh/MWh per year?

Offtaker strategy
How do you plan to use the energy produced (e.g. self-consumption, PPA, feed-in agreement, …)?

Project type
Is it onshore or offshore, on-grid or off-grid, etc.?

Please note: the realization time of a project depends on its initial development stage. As a rule of thumb, the more information you can share right at the beginning, the faster we can help you make your vision fly.

You have a wind project and seek competent assistance?